RKhar M Thant

A Tech Enthusiast, Product Photographer, Digital Marketing Specialist

A Tech Enthusiast

Sharing my well-researched thoughts on Smartphones, AI and Tech regularly on my Facebook. Together, we'll stay ahead of the curve, empowering each other to leverage the power of smartphones, tech and revolutionize the way we live, work, and connect with the world.

A Product Photographer

Crafting the perfect shot to showcase the beauty and functionality of tech products. These are video thumbnails I shot and designed for T4U2, a Tech Youtube Channel.

With a passion for both technology and photography, I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling in the tech industry. My goal is to create images that not only capture attention but also inspire viewers to explore, embrace, and embrace the transformative power of technology in their lives.

An Urban Photographer

Discover the soul of cities through my lens. From the towering structures that scrape the sky to the intimate details of cobblestone streets, my photographs capture the essence of urban life. Join me on a visual journey through the architecture and streetscapes that shape our world.Photos below were shot on iPhone 11 Pro and retouched in Adobe Photoshop

Contact Me

Let's get to know each other, collaborate, and explore the fascinating world together!

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